Category Archives: Open Ed

Videos from the Digital Future of Higher Ed (Feb, 2011)

The one-day “Digital Future of Higher Education” took place at Thompson Rivers University in February 2011. It proved to be a stimulating and controversial event (as planned!): The event was attended by over 450 participants (140 in person and 310 … Continue reading

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DIY U Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation…

A new book from Anya Kamenetz looks at the crises (rising tuition, falling standards) and opportunities (cc content, blended learning) that institutions of higher learning are confronting. This examination is thoughtful and thoroughly-researched. It avoids the apocalyptic predictions that Tapscott … Continue reading

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Creative Commons in your Organization or Publication?

Using Creative Commons resources in organizations or publications that still follow the rules of “conventional copyright” is probably more complicated than you expect. These materials generally aren’t “free” –either as in beer or as in speech.Instead, they bring with them limitations … Continue reading

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Data of the World, Unite!

Reading Winthrop-Young’s “Drill and Distraction in the Yellow Submarine: On the Dominance of War in Friedrich Kittler’s Media Theory” in Critical Inquiry. I came across this provocative passage: “With the decline of large-scale political activism in Western Europe and North America … Continue reading

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Open Ed 09 Conference: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

I recently gave a presentation at the Open Ed 2009 Conference in nearby Vancouver. The session descriptionfor the presentation is below. Please also check out a video of the presentation and the corresponding PowerPoint file. Open Education, defined as “forms … Continue reading

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Presentation: "Discursive Psychology and Web 2.0 Technology"

I recently had the pleasure of giving a presentation at the Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna. The title of my presentation was “Discursive Psychology and Web 2.0 Technology: Investigating Web 2.0 in Education.” A copy of the PowerPoint used … Continue reading

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Wikiversity; or Education meets the Free Culture Movement

During the spring, I worked with Janet Hopkins (an MEd student) on a directed study examining Wikiversity, a sister project of Wikipedia. Initially in this study, Janet took a free, open, online course offered through Wikiversity, “Composing Free and Open … Continue reading

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