Category Archives: Writing

It’s out! The Textbook & the Lecture is published

Here’s a blog post about the book just posted by the publisher, Johns Hopkins U.P. I went to school at the dawn of the microcomputer. These were expensive, immobile boxes that only responded to coded commands. Today I hold a … Continue reading

Posted in Friedrich Kittler, History, Lecture, Marshall McLuhan, Media Theory, Michel Foucault, Textbook, Uncategorized, Writing | Comments Off on It’s out! The Textbook & the Lecture is published

Lecture & Textbook: Education in the Age of New Media

Forthcoming from Johns Hopkins University Press. Why are the fundamentals of education apparently so little changed in our era of digital technology? Is their obstinate persistence evidence of resilience or obsolescence? Such questions can best be answered not by imagining … Continue reading

Posted in Bildung, Friedrich Kittler, History, Lecture, Media Theory, Michel Foucault, Textbook, The Self, Writing | Comments Off on Lecture & Textbook: Education in the Age of New Media

The Lecture is Dead; Long live the Lecture!

Recent interview with Dr. Chris Haskell, Boise State University.

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New Book: Media Transatlantic!

I have a new book out as of the end of May. It’s published by Springer and titled Media Transatlantic: Media and Communication Studies between North American and German-speaking Europe. Here’s the blurb: This book reflects recent scholarly and theoretical … Continue reading

Posted in Friedrich Kittler, Marshall McLuhan, Media Theory, Michel Foucault, Uncategorized, Writing | Comments Off on New Book: Media Transatlantic!

Response Chapter: Is Education the New Philosophy?

This chapter has recently appeared in the Companion to Educational Research from Springer. It articulates response to recent and ambitious attempts to present education or “learning” as some kind of unified “science.” Specifically, it presents a critique of Mary Kalantzis … Continue reading

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Paradigm shifts and Educational Forms: A Textbook Case

This article just appeared in “Online First” for AERA’s Educational Researcher. It is intended as a kind of ‘sequel” to my study of the “transmedial history”of the lecture, which was published in the same journal in 2011. Both articles look … Continue reading

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Bernhard Waldenfels: Responsivity and Tele-absence

Two things regarding the contemporary German phenomenologist, Bernhard Waldenfels (pictured, right, with his wife Christine on his way to a Merleau-Ponty seminar in 1961): I’ve tracked down a hard-to-find piece by Waldenfels in which he explains one of the main … Continue reading

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"Problems with Identity" – Chapter from Forgotten Connections

In the final chapter on identity, Mollenhauer embarks on what I believe is a tour-de-force conclusion to his book Forgotten Connections. Building on Sartre and others, Mollenhauer defines identity as our often challenging relationship with ourselves, and illustrates the characteristics of … Continue reading

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Education, Media and the End of the Book –a view from German media theory

Just finished a draft of this paper with Rainer Leschke. It incorporates a number of concepts and references familiar in German media studies (Medienwissenschaften), including notions of a Leitmedium, of Medienvergessenheit and media-systems. But these aren’t all necessarily German. One of these … Continue reading

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Klaus Mollenhauer’s Hermeneutics

… and his refusal of descriptive phenomenology [slideshare id=23613926&doc=mollenhauersrefusal-130628061753-phpapp02] Audio/slides for a presentation I recently gave at a conference on education and phenomenology at the Humboldt University, Berliln. Here’s the full text. In this presentation, I undertake an informal reconstruction … Continue reading

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