Category Archives: Open Ed

The Lecture is Dead; Long live the Lecture!

Recent interview with Dr. Chris Haskell, Boise State University.

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The eTextbook: A Paradigm Shift?

The e-Textbook: A Paradigm Shift for Learning? from Norm Friesen on Vimeo. Will the e-textbook, with its multimedia potential and flexibility, bring a paradigm shift to education? In this video presentation, prepared for a keynote in Montreal in March, I … Continue reading

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MOOCs, OER and PLAR: Prior Learning Assessment for Open Ed.

  Just got this open publication, co-authored with Christine Wihak, published in the journal Open Praxis. Here’s abstract, etc: Recent developments in OER and MOOCs (Open Educational Resources and Massive Open Online Courses) have raised questions as to how learners … Continue reading

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CanCore Archived – & some thoughts

I’ve revived the site for the CanCore Learning Object Metadata Initiative –complete with all the guidelines documents and updates to 2007. I’ve received the odd, periodic request for the guidelines in the last few years. It probably is a good … Continue reading

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Wittgenstein: Education as (Dog) Obedience Training ?!

I’ve been revising a paper for Phenomenology and Practice, and was disturbed to learn that Wittgenstein can be read as urging punishment and conditioning for education in ways that would have made the crudest behaviourist blush! It all goes back to the German … Continue reading

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Credentialing for Open Education

Just finished a co-authored piece with Christine Wihak on using PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) in the open education space. It turns out that some of the more popular ideas and practices in open, personalized learning, such as badges, personal … Continue reading

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The Multiversity and Learning on a Shoestring Budget

An excellent article has just appeared in The Times Higher Education Supplement: “Cap and Gown Learning on a Shoestring Budget.” It focuses on low- and no-cost educational options that are starting to emerge as Open Educational Resources are not only … Continue reading

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RUOpen? OERu and Open Learning

A presentation by Wayne Mackintosh, hosted at a panel on Open Education held at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) on Oct. 20, 2011. Wayne Talks about openness in education, OERu, and points to some possibilities for TRU’s future role in it. … Continue reading

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Open Learning 2.0? Aligning Student, Teacher & Content for Openness

Just completed a paper outlining a new model for exploring openness in education. This model is developed by and for Open Learning at Thompson Rivers University, and the paper is co-written with Judith Murray, VP of the Open Learning division. … Continue reading

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Live Streaming Event: How open is *your* Education?

This event brings together two international experts in open and global education, to discuss the future of education: Dr. Wayne Mackintosh, a committed advocate and user of free software for education. He is the founder of WikiEducator (, an international … Continue reading

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