Author Archives: Norm Friesen

Marshall McLuhan: Playboy Interview

I thought I’d one of the most famous of McLuhan’s texts: His interview with Playboy Magazine from March of 1969. He is at his most exuberant and outspoken throughout, especially in describing his vision of a “new society” of “mythic integration” … Continue reading

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The Lecture is Dead; Long live the Lecture!

Recent interview with Dr. Chris Haskell, Boise State University.

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The Pedagogical Relation @ AERA 2017

Here’s the abstract for a paper that I’ll be giving in the Philosophical Studies in Education SIG at AERA coming up in April 2017: The pedagogical relation, the idea of a special relationship between educator and educand, has long been a … Continue reading

Posted in Bildung, Bollnow, History, Klaus Mollenhauer, Pädagogik | Comments Off on The Pedagogical Relation @ AERA 2017

What is it like to learn? An introduction to "Learning-as-Experience"

Learning-as-experience, learning as it one lives or undergoes it everyday, exposes the Achilles heel of any learning “theory:” Namely, that we have almost no quantifiable, empirical access to learning as a phenomenon, and that the only thing of this kind we … Continue reading

Posted in Bernhard Waldenfels, Learning, Martin Heidegger, Phenomenology, Students | Comments Off on What is it like to learn? An introduction to "Learning-as-Experience"

Translating Schleiermacher on Education, 1826

I’ve been working with my colleague, Karsten Kenklies, on translating Schleiermacher’s 1826 Introductory Lecture on Education (Erziehung). Here’s a couple of key passages from the first, translated half of the lecture, which seeks to provide the “Outlines of the Art of Education … Continue reading

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Existentialism and Education: An Introduction to Otto Friedrich Bollnow (forthcoming)

About a new book, written by Ralf Koerrenz, forthcoming from Palgrave, edited and co-translated by yours truly: Otto Friedrich Bollnow, one of the most famous of Martin Heidegger’s students, developed a philosophical approach to education that brought Heidegger’s existentialism together … Continue reading

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New Book: Media Transatlantic!

I have a new book out as of the end of May. It’s published by Springer and titled Media Transatlantic: Media and Communication Studies between North American and German-speaking Europe. Here’s the blurb: This book reflects recent scholarly and theoretical … Continue reading

Posted in Friedrich Kittler, Marshall McLuhan, Media Theory, Michel Foucault, Uncategorized, Writing | Comments Off on New Book: Media Transatlantic!

Psychology & Neurology are Constructed via Media and "the Social"

Given the socially and technologically contingent nature of symptoms like the “flashback,” neuroscience alone cannot be expected to provide ready answers. This symptomatology of the flashback and its use as a narrative device was developed in the “age of film,” … Continue reading

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Education as Remembrance: Presentation at University College London

On January 27, I gave paper at the Institute of Education at UCL London. The topic was Klaus Mollenhauer’s conception of Education and Bildung –as articulated in his Forgotten Connections: On Culture and Upbringing. The abstract is below; and here’s … Continue reading

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Unsettling the Pedagogical Relation – Starting with a Glance

This image from Ghirlandaio’s An Old Man and his Grandson (recently restored, left), was used as the cover image by Klaus Mollenhauer for his 1983 book, Forgotten Connections: On Culture and Upbringing (translated 2014), and eight years later, on the cover of … Continue reading

Posted in Bernhard Waldenfels, Bildung, Klaus Mollenhauer, Pädagogik, Phenomenology | Comments Off on Unsettling the Pedagogical Relation – Starting with a Glance